Education Abroad offers internships to Texas State students via our third-party affiliated programs providers. Visit our Texas State Affiliated program providers and learn about the Affiliated program application process.
Other programs
Other than studying, Texas State students also have the opportunity to participate in internships, service learning and research abroad.

International Research
International Service Learning
Education Abroad offers international service learning opportunities to Texas State students via faculty-led honors courses or third-party Affiliated programs providers. Explore more options by visiting our faculty-led program webpage or each Affiliated program providers website.

Non-affiliated programs
In addition to Texas State Faculty-led, Affiliated and International Exchange programs, there are a number of programs not formally associated with Texas State that students may want to consider.
It is important to keep in mind that by going through a Non-Affiliated provider, you will not be considered a Texas State Student. Financial aid through Texas State is not available for these programs, but students are encouraged to look into other scholarships listed on the Financial Assistance page. Students may also investigate loans, such as private or alternative loans, through the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships.
Explore the websites linked below to get more information about non-affiliated Education Abroad programs.
At the end of your study abroad program, request your host institution to send an official transcript to Education Abroad.
Texas State University
Education Abroad
601 University Dr.
San Marcos, TX 78666