Affiliated programs are offered by third-party providers who have an official agreement with Texas State University. This allow students to remain enrolled at Texas State.
Most of these Affiliated providers offer programs all year long, and the duration of their program may vary from two weeks to a full academic year.
In addition to international academic programs, affiliated providers offer a variety of opportunities such as internship, research and service learning abroad.

Check out our providers!
Application Deadlines
Applications for most programs are due the semester before the program begins. Since program space is limited, we strongly recommend that students start planning at least one year prior to their semester(s) abroad. There are two applications Texas State students must complete in order to participate in an Affiliated program:
1. Texas State Affiliated Program application
2. Provider's application.
Fall or Academic Year
Open: October 15
Close: June 1
Open: March 15
Close: October 1st
Open: November 15
Close: April 1st
*Please note that some Affiliated programs have an extended application deadline. Please schedule a meeting with Education Abroad staff to get more detailed information.
For specific deadlines regarding the Affiliated provider's application, please contact the program provider.
Financial Aid