On-Site Process
As per Financial Aid and Scholarships Office request all students participating on an Affiliated or an Exchange Education Abroad program must complete the Mandatory Financial Aid Forms.
Confirmation of Enrollment
Purpose: Students must complete this form to confirm enrollment at the host institution.
Background Information: They receive credits only for the courses approved by Texas State through the Transfer Credit Agreement Form (TCA). If students register for course(s) not previously approved, they must complete new TCA, submit it to Texas State Education Abroad Coordinator and obtain approvals Texas State University.
Verification of Academic Engagement Form
Purpose: Students must complete this form to verify academic engagement in at least on course in order to remain eligible for aid awarded (if applicable) and be in compliance with Education Abroad regulations. For more information, please review the Withdrawing and Non-Attendance page.
Background: Per federal regulations, Texas State is required to review students who are awarded federal financial aid but receive all non-passing grades. In such cases, students are considered unofficially withdrawn from the university for financial aid purposes. As a result, a federal withdrawal calculation must be performed to determine the amount of Titly IV funds that the student must repay.
The only exception is when an institution can document (within 30 days of the end of the semester) that the student was academically engaged after the 60-percent point of the semester. Since the term start and end dates for students on exchange or affiliated program vary by host institution, it is important for students to complete and return a verification of academic engagement form within 30 days of the end of the term at their host institution. Completion of this form will prevent the student from being unofficially withdrawn.
This form is mandatory for all students participating in an affiliated or exchange program. Failure to complete this form by the above due date may negatively impact current or future aid rewards.
Verification of Program Completion Form
Purpose: Students must complete this form to verify the completion of their program in order to remain eligible for aid awarded (if applicable) and to be in compliance with Education Abroad regulations.
Background: Students participating in an Education Abroad program and (if applicable) receiving financial aid at Texas State University must demonstrate completion of course work abroad. Although a transcript will be required to transfer credits to Texas State, it is common that transcripts are not available by the time they are needed to comply with deferral financial aid regulations. Thus, students receiving financial aid must submit this form on time.
Students who fail to submit this form by the above due date may be required to repay all or a portion of their financial aid.

Transcript Request
At the end of their program, students must request Official Transcripts from the host institution. Students may ask for additional copies of Unofficial Transcripts for their personal records.
Transcripts are usually issued using the grading system of the country where the institution is located. Texas State Admissions Office will convert grades to the American grading scale (A, B, C..), and those are the grades that will be posted on the student's Texas State transcript. The Admissions Office uses a table of conversion depending on the country of origin.